Phillies TTM: Week of 8/20/12

Building up to Alumni Weekend I usually slow down the outflow of mail to make sure I have all my current team projects available in case I run into someone I need.  With that said, there hasn't been too much to report over the past few weeks - but, I'll be getting back out there soon...

This week brought one nice return - Tony Gonzalez on a 1964 Bulletin picture.

I bought a partial set of the newspaper cutouts at a flea market a few years ago.  I held onto them for about a year until I figured a partial set wasn't doing me any good - and decided to start sending them out to have autographed.  I have collected fifteen so far.

I sent my original newspaper version of this picture to Mr. Gonzalez during the summer of 2010 with $5 and never received it back.  It was one of those rare situations when you follow all the "rules" and it doesn't work out.  I was lucky enough to find some of the full sized pictures and am now starting to fill in the holes in my collection by having additional 5"x7" photos signed.  This time around I received the picture and an additional "Diamond Signatures" card back.

Hoping to add Rick Wise and Frank Thomas soon...