Auction Watch: Huggins and Scott December Online Auction

I woke up this morning and realized December almost came and went without an "Auction Watch" post.  Despite not placing any winning bids, I was definitely active keeping track of lots from Hunt Auctions, Huggins and Scott and ebay - seeing several interesting items in the process.  Today I am featuring a few items from the December Huggins and Scott online auction which ended 12/13.

First Night Game Program

First Night Game Program
(via Huggins and Scott)

Auction description (with part text from Originally intended as a novelty, the "night" baseball game has since become the norm.  The offered program was issued at Cincinnati's Crosley Field on May 24, 1935 for the first-ever Major League night game.

# of bids: 12
Final bid amount: $375

Comments:  After seeing one surface on eBay earlier this year, I wrote about this program in a previous post.  Sometimes a piece of Phillies history is elevated by it's place in Major League history.  This particular program falls into that category.  It's appeal is much broader than just Phillies or Reds collectors and the end bid amount reflects that fact.

Ibanez/Lidge BP Jerseys

Ibanez/Lidge BP Jerseys
(via Huggins and Scott)

Auction description (with part text from Raul Ibanez and Brad Lidge were issued these Phillies batting practice jerseys during the 2010-2011 seasons.  The polyester garmets feature twill or felt identifiers and proper Majestic tagging.

# of bids: 3
Final bid amount: $170
Link to auction lot

Comments: I was interested in this lot because it featured a red Raul Ibanez batting practice jersey (where I have seen one of those before?).  Just as an appraiser does when estimating the value of a home, I always look for comparable items to get a sense of what pieces in my own collection are worth.  This is one auction I will make record of...