Phillies TTM: Week of 7/9/12

Two successes last week, including one sent to Clearwater back in March...

Phillippe Aumount

I bought this Heritage Minor League set over the winter and sent a few out to Spring Training.  I noticed several successes from him during February/March, but had to wait it out a few months to get this beaut' back.

Phillippe Aumont - Signed card

Denis Menke

This project was started during last year's Alumni Weekend.  With the Krukker going up on the Wall, I knew I was going to have an opportunity to get a few members of the '93 NL Champs during the weekend.  I ended up getting Kruk, Darren Daulton, Tommy Greene, Ricky Jordan and Milt Thompson and have been adding through the mail ever since.  Menke is a great signer and got this back in less than a week.  Total signatures up to 14 on the cover.

Denis Menke -
1993 World Series Program